-1/4-1/2 cup brown rice
-1/2 cup raw sauerkraut (homemade)*
-1/2 cup black beans (made from dried)**
-1/2 of a large avocado cubed
-1/8-1/4 cup sliced green onions
-1/2 cup sprouts (grown at home) ***
-1 cup chopped greens (we used organic spinach)
-Herbamare to taste (optional)
Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
*Make your own sauerkraut by slicing a large cabbage (save a few outside leaves and set aside) and smashing it with 1 tbsp of sea salt for about 10 minutes. Put it in a glass jar and place the leaves on top and push down so juice is above shredded cabbage. Leave out with the lid not fully closed for about 5-10 days.
**To make black beans from dried beans: Add 1 cup of black beans to 5 cups of water and a boil for 10 minutes then simmer covered for 2 hours. Add wakame, arame or any sea vegetable to the beans while cooking to make them more digestible.
***See our previous blog post on how to make your own sprouts.