What to expect at your first visit?
The initial consult consists of a 60 to 90 minute visit where we will take a detailed health history and perform a focus oriented physical exam. We take into account all aspects of your life and find out how these aspects may impact your health. This includes, but is not limited to: social, genetic, environmental and emotional factors. We will discuss your health goals, a preliminary treatment plan and any lab testing that may be required. Follow up visits will then further enhance the treatment plan, discuss a timeline and ensure that you are on the right path to health and balance.
If you are booking your Initial Visit Online:
Please download the Intake form under the "Patients" tab title "Intake forms". Download and save it to your desktop and type your name in to ensure you can save it. Once you complete it please attach it to an email and send it back us. Also, if you are currently taking any supplements could please bring them in to your appointment. Thank you.
To book your initial consult today click here.
To download Intake Form click here.