Note: Different seeds may vary on exact sprouting duration so check the package before you begin. Sprouting seeds can be found at any health food store.
1. Place 1-2 tablespoons of seeds in the jar.
2. Place the screen over the top of the jar and secure with the elastic.
3. Fill the jar halfway with neutral temperature water.
4. Let seeds soak for 6-8 hours.
5. Drain the water from the jar.
6. Rinse seeds by filling the jar with water and immediately draining 2-4 times per day.
7. Cover the jar with a towel to keep out light (optional)
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for four to six days until seeds have sprouted.
9. Leave sprouts in direct sunlight for 1 day.
10. Remove sprouts from jar and enjoy!