Some of the key take home messages:
· Wheat which is made up of readily available sugars causes the body to burn these very quickly for energy leaving you hungry again – why eating this “healthy whole grain” may actually increase weight.
· Two slices of whole wheat bread increases blood sugar more than 2 tbsp of pure white sugar!
· Getting wheat out of the diet allows for the body to burn fatty acids (instead of the readily available sugars) so people are able to lose weight easier.
· Wheat actually has properties that make it addictive and because it is in so many products we are in a constant state of carb craving which affects the mood as well.
The diet to follow that is suggested in the end of the book is where we do not see eye to eye with Davis. Getting wheat out and replacing it with fruits, vegetables, olive oil and nuts and seeds is appropriate. However, increasing cow dairy is probably not the best idea because it is a common food sensitivity and all the hormones and antibiotics that are used during production can lead to other adverse health effects. Just as wheat was manipulated to increase yield, the cow dairy has been manipulated in order to be mass produced leaving a negative health impact. A different suggestion may be trying goat or sheep dairy products as these are less likely to contain the aforementioned additives. Some of the recipes also include microwaving and low calorie sweeteners. Limit your time microwaving and switch those low calorie sweeteners to real whole foods like unpasteurized honey, 100% maple syrup, coconut sugar or sucanat. These sweeteners will reserve their mineral and nutrient content whereas artificial sweeteners are heavily processed and harmful to the body. (Click here for our post on refined sugar).
Overall, we recommend this book if you are considering or wondering about a wheat free diet. We had previously attempted a wheat free diet but will now be sticking to one for good. We were convinced - are you?